Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year in 2012!!

Hi All!
I am back to blogging.  It has been quite a while since my last post but it hasn't been an easy year for me in 2011.  I honestly feel that having two miscarriages in 2 months can take a toll on someone...mentally and physically.  At that point, I put myself into a "cave", stayed to myself, worked out a s$^% ton at CrossFit, running and triathlons, went to school and laid out at the pool a lot!!!

2012 is already looking positive.  I will be graduating in May from graduate school with my Master's in Kinesiology.  I plan on competing in a couple of competitions at CrossFit as a Master's athlete (Yes, I turned 40 in 2011), my husband qualified for Ironman-Hawaii in October and the strength program that I started 5 weeks ago, I am seeing such positive gains already.

Weekly, I will be blogging my journey (if you want to read it or not), learning how to keep my life in balance with school and comprehensive exams, coaching 12-15 CrossFit classes a week at Body Armor CrossFit in San Antonio, coaching 3 athletes to their first Ironman, getting stronger for CrossFit competitions (#timetogetstrong on Twitter) and of course, spending time with my husband, Chris, doggy, Macca and kitty, Echo.

People have asked...if we are trying to have a child again. At this point, I would say no. We have talked about adopting but for now...we need to take our life one day at a time and God will guide our way.

I look forward to this journey with you all.  Let's enjoy our journey together....


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