Monday, February 27, 2012

Where did February go??

Wow, end of February.  Where has the time gone?  I can tell you where it has gone:
1. Week after the Fittest Games in January...I got sick. That is 5 weeks of being sick...ended up with Bronchitis. Trying to recover...finally recovered this week...
2. Studying for my Comprehensive Exams...Exercise Physiology, Motor Learning Control and Sports Psychology.
3. Studying for my last two classes: Statistics and Health Promotion Programs.
4. Coaching 8-9 classes a week at Body Armor CrossFit in San Antonio.
5. Coaching 3 triathletes...1 getting ready for Ironman-TX, another getting ready for Ironman-AZ and another getting ready for 70.3 Florida.
6. Coaching another athlete to get stronger by a lifting program
7. Coaching another athlete to get better...overall health wise...mind, body and soul!
8. Realizing I am about to graduate in May and while I am looking forward to it...scares the crap out of me since I wonder...what is next?????
9. Oh yea...also attempting to spend time with my wonderful, supportive hubby, my doggy and kitty.
10. Last week...CrossFit Games Open started with a WOD of 7 minutes of burpees!!!  I HEART BURPEES!!! I got 93...
With all of that going on in February...what I realized is this...
I have one month to finish up my comprehensive exams...this will be my focus for the next month.  My heart, my soul and my mind will be thoroughly ready to tackle those exams.  But the great thing is heart, lungs and body is thoroughly ready to tackle those CrossFit Open WOD's!  It is what I will need to get through my studying...a little bit of WODing :)

Thank you CrossFit...for allowing to be a better person...physically and mentally to get through the comprehensive exams.  If I can do 7 minutes of burpees...I can do anything :)

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