1k Swim, 23 mile Bike and a 4.4 mile run.
I did not train a lot. I did no swimming, some biking and mostly running and CrossFit.
(Thanks Kevin for the great shot and thanks TYR and Hammer for all your support!)
My break down for each race:
2007 2009
Swim 18:12 18:39
T1 1:48 1:44
Bike 1:09.07 1:12:29
T2 1:02 1:21
Run 34:06 34:16
Total 2:04:24 2:08:28
Where was the 4 minute difference? I can tell you that...the transitions...since I never practice and the bike. The last 8 miles of my bike ride...my back was hurting bad! About a week ago, I found out a have a herniated disk between L4 and L5. The last 6 miles of the bike was downhill...I told myself, get off the bike to stand up straight...you will be fine. And I was. Truthfully, my run was the easiest part. I kept going back and forth with 2 girls on the bike. I couldn't keep up with them since my back...guess who passed them on the run :)
So, here are some questions...How could I do if I train? What is my potential? Could I push myself more? What is my limiter?
Here are my answers: I think I would do pretty darn good if I train. I don't know my potential but I think it is a lot higher than I think! I could push myself more. My limiter is a numerous thing...life, work, life, coaching, life,...But
I think my biggest limiter is MYSELF! I have been struggling for some time with what I want to accomplish in triathlons. I have done everything...I have done numerous Sprint Triathlons, Olympic Triathlons, 1/2 Ironmans and 4 Ironmans. But there is something that I have NOT accomplished in my triathlon career...Ironman Hawaii.
I have the potential to make it to Hawaii. I did have the drive, the passion and the goal. What happen to that drive, passion and goal? I can tell you what happened...it was me, my limiter, who lost the drive, the passion and that goal.
After being at Ironman-CDA with Chris and racing at Marble Falls and showing my potential with out training...guess I need to work on the hardest "event" of them all...ME!
DO NOT let your Limiter get in the way of YOU!
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